Currency Converter

Show your customers products they might not know they wanted. It could be an accessory that looks great with an item of watch. Or a gift wrapping service with a gift. The possibilities are endless in every industry.

Currency Converter app for Shopify APP store Best multi currency converter by Libautech Ecommerce store

Boost International Sales with Local Currency Pricing

Display prices in local currencies to boost international sales and enhance the shopping experience.

Boosted Conversion: Local currency prices increase confidence and conversion rates

Reduced Abandonment: Customers buy more with prices in their currency, reducing cart abandonment.

Global Growth: Local currency pricing drives sales from global markets

Enhance Your Experience with Instant Currency Conversion

Integrate a multi-currency converter to see prices in your local currency instantly. Eliminate confusion and shop with confidence, knowing the exact cost in your familiar currency. Build trust and make informed purchases effortlessly

Currency Converter app for Shopify APP store Best multi currency converter by Libautech Ecommerce store
Currency Converter app for Shopify APP store Best multi currency converter by Libautech Ecommerce store Increase revenue for your ecommerce store

Reduce Cart Abandonment with Local Currency Pricing

Cart abandonment often stems from unexpected costs or price confusion. Displaying prices in local currencies reduces uncertainty, ensuring a smoother checkout process and improving conversion rates. Optimize your store with local currency pricing to enhance the customer experience and increase sales

Currency Converter pricing plan

Our plans for Currency Converter are adaptable for businesses of any size, catering to startups as well as enterprise

Free plan

Get started
FREE for life
Up to 5 currencies
Shopify's multiple currencies feature integration
Multiple positioning
Switcher styling
Basic support

Pro plan

Get started
Everything in the Free plan
Up to 164 currencies
Auto currency switcher
Price formating
Hide currency converter
Checkout notification
Premium support

5000+ Brands Rely on us to help grow their Revenue

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Learn About Currency Converter and Maximize Revenue Streams with Expert Guidance

Watch on Youtube

How To Add Shopify Currency Convertery with Fastest & Newest Theme Widget Method

How To Add Currency Converter To Your Shopify Store

Add Currency Converter For Your Shopify Store